Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore By Willam Joyce

Have you ever had a book you loved? Well that is what happened to Morris! He loved books as well as he owned a ton.  Also Morris was writing a book of his own a dark wind came near and everything blew and blew. Then he felt like it was all over without his books. One day he looked up saw this women with her books, flying.
Books led Morris to a place it was a library, he felt like the books were talking to him. He began reading again he felt like he was in the books. All the books were not normal books they would not just sit on the shelf they could wonder around so Morris never got they to stay were he wanted them. Morris thought every one should read.
Then the days passed years passed he was getting older but he was still reading one night he finished his book he realized it was time to stop. He was walking out of his room of books then he realized he was in the air with his books like the women at beginning of the story, he was young again. What has happened? A girl walking into the library.

I think this was a entertaining story it is not like the rest of the picture books I have read this was more fun and I really sis not know what was going to happen at the end but with a lot of other books you know what is going to happen but not with this one it was more fun, creative.

Someone was inspired to write a film about the book The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. It shows that Morris loves to read throughout the story. Below is a film about that book. Watch the video if you read the book and you are interested and want to watch it.

After watching the film, I resized that the movie had a lot more detail than the book I know that because the video was 15 minutes long and reading the book took longer and and it takes longer to read a book. The video got acendemy   awards and that shows it was a good video and I thought so too.

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