Thursday, July 25, 2013

Each Kindness By Jacqueline Woodson

Have you ever moved? Well a girl named Maya had walked into a classroom with the principal, she said this is Maya she is a new student, she had old and ragged clothes. Maya sat down in a sit next to Chloe and smile Chloe looked away. At recess chloe and her friends would wispier secrets probably about Maya. One day Maya game over to Chloe and her friends and said you want to play they said NO. Chloe did everything she could to ignore Maya, and saying they were not friends. That is not nice. One day maya came to school with all nice clothes and shoes, but still Chloe did not want to play. At school the next day Maya was not there, and during class we had to say something nice we did but Chloe had nothing to say she had not been a good friend. She waited, waited, and waited for Maya to come Back. Read the book to see what happens if she comes back!

I think this a was great book it showed me that you can always make more friends. If someone does not have a friend you can always ask if they want to be friends with you they might have had a hard time with family, other friends, they might have moved. But the one thing that was not my favorite about this book was the end you are reading then you are super interesting what is going to happens at the end but it leaves you hanging. I mean it is not that bad to end that way like some times I like making my own ending but it is more real if it finishes. Other than that I thought this book was very inspirational and fu to listen to. 

                                                This is a way of showing kindness to others. 


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